Sunday 26 July 2015

Stormies...simultaneous sites at Mwnt

We have the equipment to catch Storm Petrels at more than one site, and as we don't catch many along the Ceredigion coast, operating at two fairly close sites seemed an interesting idea.
Last night was our first attempt -

Two nets and sound systems were set up, one each side of the headland 480m apart. The light southerly wind made it possible last night.

At our older more westerly site we trapped three stormies (at 2340, 0110, 0120)
At our newer site Chris and his small team caught six including one control, and interestingly no stormies trapped before 0050. There was also no interchange of birds between the two sites.
Our most recent catches have been of one, five, five and seven stormies when only using one site.

A pity our stormie catching season is so short and weather dependent as our findings seem interesting....

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