Wednesday 5 November 2014

Washed-out Warblers post tropical rain..

We weren't sure what we would find in the nets in our first day of standard banding after two days of tropical downpour (251mm in 36hrs), but we were itching to get back to the field.

Keeping a good weather eye out in case we needed to close nets in a hurry, we were rewarded by our efforts with 26 birds; 20 new birds, 14 of which were migrants.  Three species of thrush and six different species of warblers, including the following gems:

A not-so-common-here Common Yellowthroat

Tennessee Warbler

Bay-breasted Warbler

Canada Warbler (hardly 'washed-out', and quite a nice change from the drabs)


Northern Waterthrush
(which is a warbler, not a thrush at all.  The distinguishing difference being that all North American warblers have nine visible primaries, not ten.)
 I rather like the name, Northern Water-not-thrush.  But Richard doesn't seem to think it will catch on !

~ Author Pauline Pearse

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